Development and uptake of the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine has been crucial in reducing rates of virus-linked cervical cancers in women. Now, the accumulated data suggests the vaccine is saving men from fatal cancers, too. Overall, men who got the vaccine [typically as boys] saw their odds for HPV-linked cancers slashed in half, according…  read on >  read on >

For decades, the responsibility for birth control has fallen largely on women, but new research suggests a birth control pill for men might one day become a reality. How does it work? It targets a protein required for fertility, scientists report. The protein, called serine/threonine kinase 33 (STK33), is enriched in the testicles and is…  read on >  read on >

Materialism could be fueling America’s epidemic of loneliness and isolation, a new study claims. People who spend their money on experiences tend to have stronger feelings of social connection with others than those who purchase belongings, a series of psychological experiments has revealed. For example, people tend to feel more connection and kinship with people…  read on >  read on >

Powerful COVID vaccines could be setting people’s immune systems up to successfully fight off not just future COVID variants, but other types of coronaviruses as well, a new study shows. People repeatedly vaccinated for COVID — the initial shots, followed by boosters and updated vaccines — generate antibodies capable of neutralizing not just COVID variants,…  read on >  read on >

Mice, rats and other wildlife can pick up bacteria called leptospira from water or soil and excrete it in urine. If your dog contacts any soil or water contaminated by the germ (especially if they have an open wound) they can easily develop a potentially deadly disease called leptospirosis. “Every dog that has access to…  read on >  read on >