Parents striving to be “perfect” will never attain that goal, and the aim isn’t even healthy for their families, a new study says. The risks of striving for perfection are such that researchers have now created a scale to help parents track their burnout and, if necessary, counter it. The first-of-its-kind Working Parent Burnout Scale… read on > read on >
All Lifestyle:
Money Worries Top Seniors’ List of Health-Related Concerns: Poll
Worries over health-related costs are plaguing the minds of older Americans of all backgrounds, a new poll suggests. Five of the six health-related issues that most people found very concerning had to do with health care costs, according to results from the University of Michigan National Poll on Healthy Aging. And the sixth issue –… read on > read on >
Scientists Developing Vaccine Against Present and Future COVID Viruses
Scientists are busy working on a vaccine that might fight strains of the COVID virus SARS-CoV-2 that haven’t even emerged yet. The effort from a British team at the University of Cambridge is already showing promise in mouse studies. Of course, mouse studies don’t always pan out in humans, but study first author Rory Hills… read on > read on >
Avoid Some ‘Project Watson’ Dog Eye Wipes Due to Infection Danger
Pets and pet owners who come into contact with Bausch & Lomb’s “Project Watson” dog eye wipes could be at risk for infection if the products come from certain lots. The wipes are used to clean a dog’s eyelids, but two specific lots (numbers A09050 and A10055, printed on the container’s bottom) could become easily… read on > read on >
How ‘Unruly’ Sports Parents Harm Their Kids’ Mental Health
Everyone knows that specific type of sports parent – the over-the-top dad or mom who curses, shouts and even becomes physically aggressive during their kid’s match. While they might think they’re cheering their kid to victory, such poor sports behavior actually can turn a child or teen off to athletics, psychiatrists warn. “Some of those… read on > read on >
Could You Spot the Silent Symptoms of Stress?
The silent symptoms of stress can be easily overlooked, but they’re important to recognize to protect one’s mental health, experts say. Visible symptoms of stress are fairly obvious – irritability, anger, impatience, muscle tension. “You may not be able to hide those for a long time. Immediately, people will notice it – family, friends and… read on > read on >
Gas Stoves Could Leave Your Lungs Vulnerable to Nitrogen Dioxide
People in homes with gas or propane stoves regularly breathe in unhealthy levels of nitrogen dioxide, a new study says. Typical use of these stoves increases exposure to nitrogen dioxide (NO2) by an estimated 4 parts per billion, averaged over a year, researchers report. That’s three-quarters of the way to the NO2 exposure level deemed unsafe… read on > read on >
Quit-Smoking Meds Not Working for You? Try Upping the Dose
Folks struggling to quit smoking might need a bump up on the dose of medication they’re using to help them stop, according to new clinical trial results. Patients are more likely to successfully quit if the dose of their smoking cessation treatment is increased in response to an initial failure, researchers report in the Journal… read on > read on >
Economy, Election Spur Rising Anxiety Among Americans in 2024
A looming presidential election, continued economic struggles and the threat of gun violence have a rising number of Americans more anxious this year compared to last, a new poll finds. The survey, conducted in early April among 2,000 adults by the American Psychiatric Association (APA), found 43% of respondents saying they were more anxious this… read on > read on >
A Third of Young Adults Still Believe ‘Tan Is Healthier’ Myth: Survey
Brianna Starr, 29, didn’t think twice about sunbathing without sunscreen, hoping to get a golden tan that to many connotes health and beauty. But when her sister was diagnosed with melanoma at the age of 19, she got serious about protecting her skin health, says Starr, a certified physician assistant at Orlando Health in Florida.… read on > read on >