The United States could see a sharp decline in COVID-19 cases by the end of July, according to a new report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Six research teams asked to project future COVID-19 trends have concluded that new infections will drastically drop in July and continue to fall through September,…  read on >  read on >

Couples share a lot together, but heart disease wouldn’t be on any couples’ list. However, new research out of China shows that if your spouse has heart disease you’re likely at high risk for it, too. Living together can often mean unhealthy habits are shared, explained the study’s lead author. “We found that an individual’s…  read on >  read on >

Adults with autism report a broad range of sexuality — being much more likely to identify as asexual, bisexual or homosexual than people without autism, a new study finds. In a survey of nearly 2,400 adults, researchers found that those with autism were three to nine times more likely to identify as homosexual, asexual or…  read on >  read on >