Many female athletes lack knowledge about nutrition, which could harm their performance and put them at risk for health problems, a researcher says. A review of two decades of literature on female athletes older than 13 found “a lack of general knowledge of nutrition among athletes, coaches and other sports team specialists,” said study author…  read on >

If you’re older and you want to prolong your life, try volunteering, new research suggests. “Humans are social creatures by nature. Perhaps this is why our minds and bodies are rewarded when we give to others,” said lead investigator Eric Kim. He is from the department of social and behavioral sciences and the Center for…  read on >

The grosser someone sounds when they cough or sneeze, the more likely you are to suspect they have a contagious infection — even if it’s not true. That’s the upshot of a new study in which participants were asked to judge whether people were — or weren’t — infected with a communicable disease by the…  read on >

Social restrictions during the coronavirus pandemic can be especially hard for people who can’t visit loved ones with Alzheimer’s disease who are in nursing homes. Despite an easing of restrictions, the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services says nursing homes shouldn’t allow outside visitors until the last phase of its reopening guidelines. “One of…  read on >

Washing your hands more often may do more than slow the spread of COVID-19: New research suggests it also lowers your exposure to toxic flame retardants. How? Scientists found that halogenated flame retardants used in plastic TV cases can travel from the TV to indoor air and dust, then to hands, and then to electronic…  read on >

The latest cancer prevention guidelines may change your typical backyard barbecue: Gone are the hot dogs and booze. In are veggie kebobs and maybe a swim or some badminton. The American Cancer Society’s new cancer prevention recommendations suggest, among other things, adding more physical activity to your days. About 20 minutes a day is the…  read on >

Back before coronavirus took over the headlines, every week seemed to bring another report about artificial intelligence besting human doctors at everything from diagnosing skin cancer to spotting pneumonia on chest X-rays. But these artificial intelligence (AI) tools — computer programs that get better at performing a task by being “trained” on the right kind…  read on >