Eight of every 10 American households buys sodas and other sugary drinks each week, adding up to 2,000 calories per household per week, new research shows. To put that in perspective, 2,000 calories is equal to the recommended average caloric intake for an adult for an entire day. With the obesity epidemic continuing for Americans…  read on >

The kind of foods you eat, and even the order in which you eat them can affect your odds of developing type 2 diabetes, three new studies suggest. The studies — being presented to the American Society for Nutrition — found: Switching to a mostly plant-based diet (but one that could still include meat and…  read on >

Extremely tiny bits of plastic: They’re in your food and drink, and even in the air around you. Now, new research calculates that the average American consumes more than 70,000 particles of these “microplastics” every year — and even that’s likely an underestimation, the scientists noted. Your microplastic intake might be even higher if you…  read on >

While taking vitamins may be fine for teens and young adults, supplements for weight loss, muscle-building and added energy may trigger severe medical problems, new research suggests. Regulations to keep these potentially harmful products out of the hands of young people are urgently needed, the study authors said. “The [U.S. Food and Drug Administration] has…  read on >

Much research has explored the mental and physical health benefits of maintaining social contacts well into later life. Studies also show that maintaining sexual health can have profound benefits that may include slowing down the aging process. Besides the exercise value of sex, research has found that sexual pleasure and intimacy may help ease everyday…  read on >

Daily loss of some hair is normal. But if you notice bald patches or thinning, you may be on the road to more serious hair loss, says the American Academy of Dermatology. The academy’s list of common reasons for hair loss includes: Hair disorder. Certain medications or treatments. Ringworm. Underlying medical condition. Hormones or stress.…  read on >

Being an Instagram influencer isn’t always a good thing. New research found that vulnerable young people who see online posts of self-harm — like cutting — may copy those destructive behaviors. Almost one-third of teens and young adults who reported seeing self-harm posts on Instagram said they had performed the same or similar self-harming behavior…  read on >

Having emergency heart surgery is always risky, but a new case report reveals an unexpected danger: A flash fire ignited a man’s chest during such a procedure. A 60-year-old man underwent lifesaving heart surgery for a torn aorta, the main artery that carries blood away from the heart. The patient had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease…  read on >

Whether it comes from demands at home, a slow commute or monthly bills, it’s hard to escape stress. Beyond affecting your mood, it can play havoc with your health, from lost sleep and stress-eating to weight gain and heart disease. Fortunately, you can take steps to counter all these negatives. A simple solution is a…  read on >

Parents, here’s another reason your teenager should get enough sleep: A new study suggests tired teens may be more likely to have unsafe sex. Researchers analyzed data collected from 1,850 teens in Southern California between 2013 and 2017. The participants were 16 in 2013. Teens who consistently did not get enough sleep at any time…  read on >