Relationships are a necessary part of healthy living. Though no relationship is perfect, an unhealthy relationship can cause discomfort and harm, says the University of Washington. The school mentions signs of an unhealthy relationship: Neglecting yourself or your partner. Feeling pressure to change who you are or quit activities you enjoy. Frequently feeling the need…  read on >

(HealthDay News) –Bed bugs hitchhike from place to place by traveling on furniture, bedding, luggage and more. The small nuisances live on the blood of animals or humans and can be quite resilient, says the Environmental Protection Agency. To help prevent bed bugs in your home, the EPA suggests: Check secondhand furniture for bed bugs…  read on >

Day-to-day struggles prevent many American women with HIV from taking medicines to suppress the AIDS-causing virus, a new study shows. “Survival is a priority over putting a pill in your mouth for a number of our participants, and that is the public health challenge we must address,” said study first author Dr. Seble Kassaye, an…  read on >

Suicide rates are on the rise among American children, but the increase is greatest among girls, a new study finds. “Overall, we found a disproportionate increase in female youth suicide rates compared to males, resulting in a narrowing of the gap between male and female suicide rates,” said study author Donna Ruch. She is a…  read on >

Coupons, samples, branded hats and T-shirts: When teens use or wear promotional items from companies that make alternative tobacco products like electronic cigarettes, they are more likely to try those products, new research shows. The study included 757 California teens, aged 13 to 19, who were followed for a year. At the beginning of the…  read on >

Hypnosis might sound like a magic trick to some, but the therapy can be an effective pain reliever, a new review shows. The review covered 85 studies that have tested hypnosis for easing “experimental models” of pain — that is, lab studies where brave volunteers agreed to be subjected to a painful stimulus. And overall,…  read on >

You know the scenario — your child has a meltdown, leaving you frustrated, embarrassed and arguing even though your brain says it’s a battle you’re not likely to win. Tantrums often start during the “terrible 2’s” because little ones can’t yet clearly voice their frustrations. But it’s never too late to correct the behavior, even…  read on >

Here’s another health danger climate change will deliver in the coming years: New research warns that back-to-back heat waves that go on for days will become more common as the planet warms. The elderly and the poor will be the least prepared to weather this threat, the investigators noted. But hospital ERs and emergency service…  read on >

Shhhhh. Preterm infants can benefit from quiet times in hospital neonatal intensive care units (NICUs), a new study says. High noise levels are known to harm health, and infants in NICUs are especially vulnerable, so some NICUs have created quiet times to limit potentially dangerous noise levels, according to the Acoustical Society of America. “Although…  read on >