When a social media “influencer” hawks junk food, young kids may be easily won over, a new study suggests. British researchers found that when children saw images of two famous YouTube “vloggers” simply holding junk food, they immediately showed a craving for cookies and candy. Unfortunately, they were not similarly swayed by images of those…  read on >

Headed out on vacation? Beware of heart attack: It’s the leading cause of natural death among travelers. If you have heart attack symptoms on the road, getting immediate medical care can improve your odds of long-term survival, according to a study presented Saturday at a meeting of the European Society of Cardiology, in Malaga, Spain.…  read on >

Your long-term happiness in marriage may hinge on the genes you and your partner bring to the union. A Yale University study suggests marital bliss could be influenced by a genetic variation that affects oxytocin, the so-called “love hormone” that is involved in social bonding. “This study shows that how we feel in our close…  read on >

While genetics, such as carrying BRCA gene mutations, play a role in who is more likely to get breast cancer, everyday lifestyle factors are involved, too. Research published in JAMA Oncology used data from thousands of women to identify which lifestyle factors in particular could affect a woman’s risk for breast cancer. The study found…  read on >

The old saying, “TV rots your brain,” could have some validity for folks as they age. In a new study, middle-aged people who watched television for more than 3.5 hours a day experienced a decline in their ability to remember words and language over the next six years, British researchers found. What’s worse, it appears…  read on >

For older adults with a urinary tract infection (UTI), antibiotic treatment should begin immediately to prevent serious complications, a new British study finds. Delaying or withholding antibiotics in this age group can increase the risk of bloodstream infection (sepsis) and death, researchers reported Feb. 27 in the BMJ. The findings suggest that doctors should “consider…  read on >

Loneliness is a common source of stress among the elderly. Older men and women who have companionship live longer than those without, a recent study in JAMA Internal Medicine suggests. Figuring out how to prevent loneliness can be difficult, but companionship can take many forms. Those who can help include: Family, friends or a partner.…  read on >

If you’re in a frequent tug of war with your kids over turning off their gadgets, it could be the tactic you use when you try to persuade them to disengage. It turns out that giving 1- to 5-year-olds a time warning that screen viewing is about to end makes the transition away from a…  read on >

Feeling trapped behind a desk, a counter or on the factory floor does no favors for the mind. Now, research helps confirm that women with jobs that demand long hours may be more prone to depression. Researchers found that compared with women who worked a standard 40-hour week, those who were on the clock 55…  read on >

The community of bacteria or “microbiome” in a woman’s cervix might be a harbinger of her risk for cervical cancer, a new study suggests. For the study, researchers used genetic analysis to identify bacteria present in samples from 144 Tanzanian women who had cervical cancer screenings between March 2015 and February 2016. Of the women…  read on >