Young children with autism are more than twice as likely to have sleep problems than typical kids or those with other developmental delays, a new study reports. Several factors profoundly affect the sleep of 2- to 5-year-olds with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), said lead researcher Dr. Ann Reynolds. They are more likely to resist their…  read on >

Widespread mammography screening and big advances in breast cancer treatment have saved hundreds of thousands of American women’s lives since 1989, a new study estimates. Researchers tracked 1990-2015 U.S. data on breast cancer deaths, along with general data, on women aged 40 to 84. They found the number of breast cancer deaths prevented during that…  read on >

Many studies have shown that color affects both mood and behavior. Color can help you go from sad to happy or angry to calm. When it comes to mood, there are four primary colors. Though different shades within each of the four can have different effects, some generalities exist. Red symbolizes power and strength and…  read on >

Time spent on Instagram, Snapchat or Facebook probably isn’t driving teenagers to depression, a new study contends. In fact, Canadian researchers found the relationship worked in the opposite direction — teenage girls who were already depressed tended to spend more time on social media, to try to feel better. These findings run counter to a…  read on >

When it comes to cooking veggies, fresh from the farmer’s market always tastes best. But when you’re cooking produce out of season, head to the freezer section of your favorite store. Veggies are typically frozen at the height of freshness, making them a great winter staple. Dense vegetables in particular are ideal for freezer storage,…  read on >

In drinking lore, it’s said that having beer before wine, instead of the other way around, can help prevent a hangover. Well, it’s not true, a new study finds. You’ll suffer the next day if you drink too much, regardless of how you sequence your drinks, according to researchers at Witten/Herdecke University in Germany and…  read on >

Being overweight isn’t just an issue for people. The Association for Pet Obesity Prevention says more than half of all dogs are overweight. A dog that weighs too much is at greater risk of osteoarthritis, high blood pressure, orthopedic problems, ligament injuries, skin disease, heart and respiratory disease, some cancers and lower life expectancy, the…  read on >

There’s bad news and good news in a study of lives lost to suicide around the world. In sheer numbers, more of the world’s people are dying by suicide each year than ever before, the new report reveals. In 2016, about 817,000 deaths worldwide were attributed to suicide, the study showed. That’s an increase from…  read on >

Hospital germ detectives say the sinks next to toilets in patient rooms may harbor potentially dangerous bacteria. Researchers at the Medical College of Wisconsin checked a large Wisconsin hospital for Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase. KPC is a type of bacteria that can cause health care-associated infections such as pneumonia, bloodstream infections, wound infections or surgical site…  read on >