The average person’s daily diet will need to change drastically during the next three decades to make sure everyone is fed without depleting the planet, a panel of experts has concluded. Global consumption of foods such as red meat and sugar will have to decrease by about half to make sure the Earth will be… read on >
All Lifestyle:
Gene-Linked Iron Disorder More Common Than Thought
The most common genetic disorder among northern Europeans — called hemochromatosis — occurs more often than previously thought, according to a new study. The researchers also found that people with the condition often develop serious health problems. People with hemochromatosis — a build-up of iron in the body that can damage the liver, heart and… read on >
Two-Thirds of Poor U.S. Women Can’t Afford Menstrual Pads, Tampons: Study
A study of nearly 200 poor women living in the St. Louis area found that two out of three had to go without feminine hygiene products at least once over the prior year, due to cost. About one-fifth — 21 percent — said this happened on a monthly basis, and nearly half said they often… read on >
New Leash on Life? Staying Slim Keeps Pooches Happy, Healthy
Carrying extra pounds isn’t just bad for humans: New research indicates dogs’ lives may be significantly shorter if they’re overweight. The study, which evaluated data from more than 50,000 dogs across 12 of the most popular breeds, found that the life span of overweight dogs was up to 2.5 years shorter than that of normal-weight… read on >
Recycling: A Renewed Effort Is Needed
Most people know how important recycling is for a healthier environment, yet a survey by the Pew Research Center showed that Americans may not always put that knowledge into practice. Though most people in the United States have access to recycling programs, the rules and practices vary within states and even within communities. Only 28… read on >
Want to Live Longer? Just Sit a Bit Less Each Day
Take a stand for a longer life. Researchers say even a few extra minutes off the sofa each day can add years to your life span. “If you have a job or lifestyle that involves a lot of sitting, you can lower your risk of early death by moving more often, for as long as… read on >
3 Conditioning Exercises to Support Your Hips
To support your hip joints, you need to strengthen the muscles that support them. This can help prevent or relieve hip pain and guard against injury. Appropriate exercises target muscles of the thighs and the glutes. Here are three to add to your fitness regimen. Note: Before conditioning, always warm up with five to 10… read on >
Parents Often Unaware of Kids’ Suicidal Thoughts
When children are having suicidal thoughts, their parents may often be in the dark, a new study shows. The study included more than 5,000 kids, aged 11 to 17, and one parent for each child. Researchers found that among the children, 8 percent said they had contemplated suicide at some time. But only half of… read on >
Gay Dads and Their Kids Still Face Social Shaming
Two-thirds of gay fathers have felt the pain of social stigma, and they have encountered that stigma most often in religious settings, a new survey shows. “We were not surprised that stigma is still experienced by gay fathers,” said study author Dr. Ellen Perrin. “But we did not expect so much stigma to be experienced… read on >
Happiness High in States With Lots of Parks, Libraries
The number of parks, libraries and natural resources in the state where you reside might have a great deal to do with how happy you are. New research suggests that Americans who live where more money is spent on these “public goods” are happier than their counterparts in other states. “Public goods are things you… read on >