If you have children, you know how important it is to keep up with their immunization schedule. But getting vaccines and booster shots is vital throughout adulthood as well. The most common adult shot is the yearly flu vaccine, recommended for just about every adult. Some fight three flu strains, others, four. However, there’s more… read on >
All Lifestyle:
Health Tip: Managing Your Family’s Digital Life
TVs and computers are part of everyday life, but the American Academy of Pediatrics urges caution about overuse of digital devices. They should never take the place of face-to-face time with family and friends, the academy says. The AAP suggests how to manage screen use at home: Set limits on media use and be aware… read on >
Here’s How the Government Shutdown Could Affect Your Health
Tainted food, trash-filled parklands and even hungry kids: Public health could be increasingly at risk as the U.S. government shutdown drags into its 21st day, experts say. Crucial inspections intended to protect Americans have either been curtailed or are not being performed because the responsible federal workers have been furloughed, said Dr. Georges Benjamin, executive… read on >
Changes to Flu Shot Supply Chain Could Save Lives: Study
Problems with flu vaccine distribution in the United States may cost lives and pose a serious threat in the event of a flu pandemic, researchers warn. However, a computer model shows that proposed changes to the current distribution system could save thousands of lives, said study co-leader Pinar Keskinocak. She and her colleagues recommend replenishing… read on >
A Better Strategy for Quitting Smoking
Quitting smoking is one of the hardest things to do, but studies have found that one strategy in particular can help many people: Start anti-smoking medication well before your intended quit date. Under traditional prescribing guidelines, people who plan to quit smoking with the help of a medication begin taking their anti-smoking drug about one… read on >
Health Tip: Reduce Childhood Stress
Stress is a function of the demands placed on people and their ability to meet them, the Nemours Foundation says. Stress affects anyone who feels overwhelmed, including children. Signs of a stressed child include mood swings, acting out, changes in sleep patterns or bedwetting, the foundation says. Additional signs may be stomachache, headache, trouble concentrating… read on >
Many Female Health Care Workers Make Poverty-Level Wages: Study
Every day they help feed, bathe and care for the frailest Americans. But female health care workers in the United States often get shortchanged on wages and health insurance, a new study finds. In fact, about one-third of female health care workers made less than $15 an hour, and that number rose to half when… read on >
Foot Stools Move Human Stool Along
A simple potty stool under your feet might help cure constipation, researchers say. “These toilet stools became popular through things like viral videos and social media, but there was really no medical evidence to show whether or not they are effective,” said researcher Dr. Peter Stanich. He is an assistant professor of gastroenterology, hepatology and… read on >
Are You Sabotaging Your Sex Life?
Research confirms that a good sex life is a key to strong feelings of intimacy and satisfaction for both partners in a relationship. Yet for many, sex goes by the wayside, often because of life’s demands, from the boss at the office to the kids at home. Responsibilities can leave you feeling drained and longing… read on >
Ways to Eat Well Without Breaking the Bank
Is your budget at odds with your desire to eat healthy? Seafood, lean cuts of meat and fresh produce can be pricey, but there are many foods that let you stretch your shopping dollars. At about 15 cents each, protein-rich eggs are a great buy. Scrambled for breakfast, baked into a frittata for dinner and… read on >