Smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure: all bad for the heart, but perhaps worse for women’s hearts than men’s, new research shows. Looking at data on 472,000 Britons ages 40 to 69, researchers found that all three of these heart disease risk factors increased the odds of heart attack for both sexes. But the rise in… read on >
All Lifestyle:
Health Tip: Understanding the HPV Vaccine
The HPV vaccine protects against human papillomavirus, which has been shown to cause cancer in males and females, the American Cancer Society says. More than 270 million doses have been administered since 2006, reports the society, saying studies have shown the vaccine is safe. The society adds: The HPV vaccination is for boys and girls.… read on >
Health Tip: Ease Separation Anxiety
It is common and perfectly natural for a young child to feel some separation anxiety when a guardian isn’t nearby, Harvard Medical School experts say. But if separation anxiety is strong enough to interfere with normal activities such as school and friendships, it may be cause for psychological counseling, the school says. In cases of… read on >
Smartphones, Summer Birth Could Raise Kids’ Odds for Nearsightedness
Kids with summer birthdays, especially those who spend long hours playing on smartphones and tablets, might be at greater risk for vision problems, a new study suggests. Nearsightedness, also called myopia, is on the rise worldwide. It’s what eye doctors call a refractive error, meaning the eyes can’t focus light properly. The result: Close objects… read on >
He Lost His Son at Sandy Hook — Now He Wants You to Know the Warning Signs
TUESDAY, Nov. 6, 2018 (HealthDay News) — As Mark Barden let go of the hand of his young son, Daniel, and the boy boarded the bus for school on the morning of Dec. 14, 2012, he had no idea it would be the last time he would see his child alive. Hours later, the 7-year-old… read on >
Navigating New Parent Nerves
A newborn can bring a sense of fulfillment to your life … and an equal amount of stress over everything from baby’s health to your own parenting skills. A few simple strategies can help both mom and dad relax. First, expect to feel many different, often contradictory emotions. You might go from pure bliss as… read on >
Noisy Neighborhood? Your Heart May Pay a Price
Living in noise-saturated neighborhoods might be more than simply annoying, with new research suggesting it seems to raise the risk for serious heart problems. Chronic noise from traffic and airports appears to trigger the amygdala, a brain region critically involved in stress regulation, brain scans have revealed. Noise is also associated with increased inflammation of… read on >
Why Bystanders Are Less Likely to Give CPR to Women
Some bystanders may avoid performing CPR on women because they fear hurting them, or even being accused of sexual assault, preliminary research suggests. In two new studies, researchers tried to dig deeper into a puzzling pattern that has been seen in past research: Women are less likely than men to receive bystander CPR if they… read on >
Global Melanoma Deaths Up Among Men, But Not Women
Melanoma skin cancer death rates in men are on the rise in most countries, but are stable or declining for women in some, according to a new study. Researchers analyzed World Health Organization data from 33 countries between 1985 and 2015. Melanoma death rates in men were increasing in all but one nation. In all… read on >
Daylight Saving Time Tied to Rise in A-Fib Hospitalizations
MONDAY, Nov. 5, 2018When Americans set clocks an hour ahead in the spring for Daylight Saving Time, hospitalizations rise for people with a common type of irregular heartbeat, a new study finds. Atrial fibrillation affects at least 3 million Americans and possibly twice that many. Its main danger is an increased risk for stroke or… read on >