The total solar eclipse of August 2017 was one of the most watched scientific events ever for millions of Americans, researchers report. And it led a record number of them to seek more information on eclipses, survey results show. Based on responses from thousands of Americans, the University of Michigan researchers concluded that 88 percent…  read on >

Children born to women who got the Tdap vaccine during pregnancy have no greater risk of autism than other kids, a new study finds. The Tdap vaccine protects against tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis, which is better known as whooping cough. U.S. health officials advise pregnant women to get a booster shot in order to protect…  read on >

Controversial state laws that promote vaccinating kids against the human papillomavirus (HPV) do not increase the likelihood that teens will engage in risky sexual behavior, a new study contends. “Parents and caregivers, as well as policy makers, should not be wary of policies or legislation related to HPV education or [vaccine] access, as our study…  read on >

HealthDay News) — Drought conditions occur when it doesn’t rain for an extended period. The lowered water supply can trigger wildfires and dust storms, which increase the amounts of small particles that float in the air. This can irritate the bronchial passages and lungs, worsening existing respiratory problems and raising the risk of respiratory infections…  read on >

Planning ahead is the key to staying healthy and safe when you go hiking or camping, experts say. “‘Be prepared’ is the Boy Scout motto, and it is one of the best ways to avoid pitfalls and make the most of any hiking or camping trip,” said Dr. Jonathan Adams, a family medicine physician with…  read on >

Losing weight about 6 months after giving birth lowers a woman’s risk of being overweight in the future. The best strategy to get back to pre-baby weight is a combination of diet and exercise, rather than diet alone. That’s because exercise boosts heart health and helps preserve muscle when you’re limiting calorie intake. It also…  read on >

Sexting can lead to dissing. That appears to be one takeaway from a small survey of North American adults in committed relationships who share explicit visuals and/or texts via mobile phones with each other. While the survey suggests that some couples who engage in sexting do see improvements in their real-world sex life, the virtual…  read on >

More than 4 in 10 women with asthma developed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and heavy smoking and obesity were among the significant risk factors, a new study found. The research involved more than 4,000 women with asthma in Canada who were followed for about 14 years after being diagnosed with the condition. During that…  read on >

Strict regulation of semi-automatic guns, accessories and ammunition is needed to stop “senseless” gun violence in the United States, an association of trauma surgeons contends. Guns are involved in more than 38,000 deaths and at least 85,000 non-fatal injuries every year in the United States, the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma (AAST) states…  read on >