Your home is chock full of things that could harm your pet. The U.S. Food and Drug Association urges pet owners to avoid exposing Fluffy or Fido to: Unprotected treats — If pets eat too many treats at once, they may become difficult to digest. Moreover, unchewed treats can get stuck in the windpipe, stomach… read on >
All Lifestyle:
How to Survive a New Year’s Hangover
Excess drinking on New Year’s Eve can lead to a painful morning after, with no sure-fire cure available. But helpful strategies for treating a hangover do exist. Hangover symptoms — headache, nausea and dizziness — occur when the body withdraws from alcohol and a chemical called acetaldehyde is produced, Dr. Robert Glatter, an emergency physician… read on >
New Resolve for New Year’s Resolutions
What would New Year’s be without resolutions? But the way you approach change can make the difference between reaching successful milestones and abandoning your resolutions faster than you can say Valentine’s Day chocolates. It helps to do some advance planning. First, decide on the goals you’d like to achieve. Grab a calendar and spread them… read on >
Health Tip: No Screens Before Going to Bed
Using a TV, computer or smartphone just before bed is a bad idea. These and similar gadgets emit blue light, which can harm sleep quality, the National Sleep Foundation says. Studies show blue light delays release of sleep-inducingmelatonin and resets the body’s internal clock to a later time. This can leave parents with children who… read on >
Epidemic of Opioid Abuse Is Top Health Story of 2017
The millions of Americans caught in the grip of an addiction to opioids — prescription painkillers or heroin — remained the leading health news story of the past year. The scourge is now so widespread that, just last week, research suggested that deaths from opioid overdoses may be the biggest factor driving a decline in… read on >
More Pregnant Women Are Using Pot
An analysis of urine samples from roughly 300,000 California women finds that more than 7 percent used marijuana while pregnant. What’s more, rates of pot use in pregnancy have steadily risen over the years — from 4.2 percent of women in 2009 to 7.1 percent just seven years later. That’s according to the new report… read on >
Could Your Salon Visit Make You Sick?
Holiday parties and gatherings mean more trips to nail and hair salons for some. But if you’re not careful, you might end up picking up more than you bargained for. In a recent small survey of nail and hair salon clients, more than two-thirds said they’d had one or more health issues after visiting a… read on >
Early Puberty in Girls May Take Mental Health Toll
A girl who gets her first menstrual period early in life — possibly as young as 7 — has a greater risk for developing depression and antisocial behaviors that last at least into her 20s, a new study suggests. “Girls who go through puberty earlier than peers tend to be more psychologically vulnerable during adolescence,”… read on >
The Most Dreaded Topic at Family Gatherings
Family harmony and talk of politics can be combustible holiday companions, a therapist contends. A recent Reuters/Ipsos poll found that 62 percent of respondents said politics was the topic they dread most when relatives get together at the holidays. And nearly one-third said they planned to avoid the subject. No matter how you vote, it’s… read on >
‘Tis the Season to Fight Infection
A hectic holiday pace not only tires you out, it makes it easier to pick up an infection. Reducing stress, getting enough sleep and healthy eating are among the things you can do to stay healthy if you’re traveling over the holidays, one expert suggests. Stress levels can rise at this time of year, so… read on >