A little bit of stress can motivate you, but too much might cause an anxiety disorder that can prevent you from living your life to the fullest. If you feel anxious on a daily basis, try making changes to your lifestyle to manage anxiety on your own. Exercise regularly to release the body’s endorphins, natural…  read on >

As if severe hot flashes alone weren’t enough of a problem for menopausal women, a new study finds these symptoms may also be tied to a greater risk for sleep apnea and related heart issues. The study included nearly 1,700 middle-aged women, about 25 percent of whom were at intermediate or high risk for obstructive…  read on >

If your taste buds lean toward spicy, you might be doing your heart a favor, new research suggests. Spicy foods may increase salt sensitivity, thereby dampening the desire to consume heart-harming salty food, researchers in China say. “High salt intake increases blood pressure and contributes to cardiovascular disease,” said study author Dr. Zhiming Zhu. “Thus,…  read on >

Want a family pet, but can’t have a dog? There are plenty of other great pet options. A first choice for many families is a cat. As with dogs, there are different breeds and personalities as well as grooming needs, such as with long-haired cats. Generally, a mellow cat is a good choice if you…  read on >

The Trump administration’s repeated efforts to topple Obamacare have not thwarted the program’s annual enrollment for health insurance. Starting Wednesday, consumers may renew their coverage or join a new plan for 2018, though the ease of enrollment may depend on what state they call home. This year’s open enrollment follows a recent decision by the…  read on >

Acetaminophen is considered the go-to pain medication during pregnancy. But a new study adds to evidence linking the drug to an increased risk of behavioral issues in kids. Researchers in Norway found that among nearly 113,000 children, those whose mothers used acetaminophen during pregnancy were slightly more likely to be diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity…  read on >

Currently, people at average risk of colon cancer are told to start screening for the disease at age 50. But a new study raises the question of whether earlier screening could be better. Looking at more than 6,000 patients who underwent colonoscopies, French researchers found the rate of abnormal colon growths started to rise sharply…  read on >

The old image of the “pothead” who’s too blissed out to make it in the bedroom may need revising. New research contends that folks who frequently indulge in marijuana actually have better sex lives. People who report daily pot use have sex more often than either occasional users or those who never touch the stuff,…  read on >