Researchers find sleep weakens emotions stemming from disturbing events read on >
Researchers find sleep weakens emotions stemming from disturbing events read on >
Stick with it all year long
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All types of fireplaces — wood, gas and electric — are potential safety hazards, experts warn read on >
Think small, manageable goals — not sweeping lifestyle changes, psychologists advise read on >
Single medical center study found half of those getting intensive care didn’t need it read on >
Top 5 diseases, conditions accounted for $437 billion in 2013 read on >
Good hygiene and disinfectant wipes will help keep illness at bay, germ expert says read on >
Study suggests diet, stress and family history may play a role read on >
Care provided by parents adds up to nearly $18 billion in lost wages, study says read on >
Channel anger into becoming healthier
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