Survey reveals reluctance of teens, young adults to talk to their doctor because parents might find out read on >
Survey reveals reluctance of teens, young adults to talk to their doctor because parents might find out read on >
More study is needed to understand the disparity, researchers say read on >
Suggested next steps
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Study found the virtual reality game got adults moving — but only for a while read on >
Rainier winters end up trapping food in ice, limiting food supply, researchers say read on >
Study found obesity risk up 43 percent if kids used screen devices more than 5 hours a day read on >
Study of seniors links enjoyment of life to lower risk of death read on >
Doctor offers precautions against hypothermia; go easy when shoveling snow read on >
Researchers credit improvements in federal food assistance program, awareness of childhood obesity read on >
3 out of 4 seniors said they’d want to know read on >