Cutting back on sweets helps, while exercising before meals may not, small study finds read on >
Cutting back on sweets helps, while exercising before meals may not, small study finds read on >
Small study found lack of sleep affected blood pressure, heart rate in healthy volunteers read on >
Study finds exercising virtual limb cut pain by as much as half read on >
These food plans are safe at all stages of life, nutrition group says read on >
Arkansas study finds just 22 percent follow recommended hygiene procedures read on >
Pop star’s own battle with bipolar disorder helped to inspire new photo campaign that seeks to alter stereotypes
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Even quitting in your 60s can add years to your life, researchers find read on >
At all ages, the habit boosted odds for heart trouble, but younger people fared the worst, study found read on >
More than 1 million kids a year affected in the U.S., and doctors can ease the transition, group says read on >
Problem linked to changes in amount of fluid around the brain and spinal cord, researchers say read on >