It’s the only region in the U.S. that hasn’t made big progress in fighting the disease read on >
It’s the only region in the U.S. that hasn’t made big progress in fighting the disease read on >
But survey finds most tell older customers they can tan every day, counter to FDA-suggested limits read on >
Staying calm and being prepared can help you reach your destination safely read on >
They’re at higher risk of substance abuse and depression, researchers say read on >
No, eating it doesn’t make you sleepy, the skin isn’t all bad and other common misconceptions read on >
A man’s enjoyment, confidence in his role as father seemed even more important than time spent read on >
Chances of an early death double if smoker also has the blood sugar disease, study finds read on >
Prescription drugs are the fastest growing expense, report shows read on >
Operation often leads to more comfortable lovemaking, study finds read on >
USDA offers advice for avoiding foodborne illness read on >