Geriatric experts cite need to set realistic expectations for the injured and their families read on >
Geriatric experts cite need to set realistic expectations for the injured and their families read on >
Found no change in pot use among children, but that wasn’t the case for people older than 25 read on >
Females also closing the gender gap on health problems from alcohol consumption read on >
But, study author says social media, parenting practices and bullying may one day lower America’s compassion score read on >
New review offers parents advice on how to be more careful with postings that could affect their children read on >
Suggestions include no screen time for those under 18 months, not using media as ‘soothing tool’ read on >
Interest in learning new things also shrinks with greater screen time, pediatricians find read on >
Many lives could be saved if people avoided alcohol and smoking, ate better and stayed active, researchers report read on >
Parents don’t emphasize safety enough, experts say read on >
Here are some suggestions read on >