Women have heard for decades that cranberry products help prevent urinary tract infections. A new study appears to confirm that longstanding advice. About 60% of women over age 18 will suffer one or more urinary tract infections in their lifetime. About 30% will have recurrent UTIs, averaging two to three episodes a year, according to…  read on >  read on >

You had a rough day at work and got stuck in traffic on the way home, and suddenly your head starts pounding. Stress headaches can be debilitating in the moment, but you don’t have to suffer indefinitely. If you’re struggling with stress, you’re not alone. More than one-quarter of adults in the United States reported…  read on >  read on >

Patients hospitalized with pneumonia typically stay on IV antibiotics until they’re stable, after about three days, but a new study suggests a different option. Researchers report that more patients who have community-acquired pneumonia could switch sooner to oral antibiotics. Antibiotics given as pills were also linked with earlier release from the hospital. They were not…  read on >  read on >

Heard of gonorrhea? Most likely. What about gonococcal arthritis? Maybe not. Most folks are familiar with what is gonorrhea, but few may know about gonococcal arthritis, a rare side effect of this sexually transmitted disease (STD). Unfortunately, gonorrhea cases are on the rise, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, especially among…  read on >  read on >

Treating depression with talk therapy may provide protection against heart disease, new research suggests. As depression lifts, people may begin to engage more in healthy eating and exercise, investigators believe. In a study of nearly 637,000 people who took part in talk therapy offered by the United Kingdom’s National Health Service (NHS) between 2012 and…  read on >  read on >

Sciatica can send searing, unrelenting pain down your legs, and surgery is often recommended if other less invasive measures fail to bring relief. Unfortunately, a new study review suggests that such operations likely only provide temporary results, with pain typically returning within a year. Sciatica is “characterized by pain going down the back of the…  read on >  read on >

While overall support for childhood vaccines remains strong, a new UNICEF report documents a significant decline in the public’s faith in the importance of these vaccines. Confidence in childhood immunizations dropped by up to 44 percentage points in some countries during the pandemic, according to the report. Meanwhile, 67 million children missed one or more…  read on >  read on >