Your toddler may be going through a phase of nail-biting that might be driving you crazy. While biting or picking at one’s nails is a common behavior in children (50% do it) and many will stop biting their nails on their own, some do not. There are several reasons you may see your toddler picking…  read on >  read on >

Wireless pacemakers could be a safe and effective short-term option for children with slow heartbeats, a new study suggests. Children with a heartbeat that’s too slow — a condition called bradycardia — need a pacemaker to keep their hearts beating normally. Researchers successfully implanted wireless pacemakers into 62 kids to see if the cutting-edge devices…  read on >  read on >

There are too many heartbreaking stories of babies and young children suffering serious injury or even death due to an accident in the home. You hope it doesn’t happen to your family, and taking preventive measures is the first step in ensuring it doesn’t. Baby-proofing the house is a rite of passage for new parents…  read on >  read on >

Most new parents have experienced the agony of colic: hours of inconsolable crying from their newborn, leaving them at wit’s end. It’s more common than some might think: The American Pregnancy Association estimates that 20% to 25% of babies have colic. And parents of a colicky baby will tell you that it is very stressful…  read on >  read on >

Constipation is no fun for toddlers, but you can help your child move through a bout of it. What is toddler constipation? According to the Cleveland Clinic, your toddler may sometimes have hard, dry stools that are painful to pass. Up to 20% of toddlers experience constipation at one time. A constipated toddler typically poops…  read on >  read on >

Potty training is a big transition for toddlers, and potty training boys and girls can be very different endeavors. It can be a challenging time as a parent, requiring a lot of patience to help your little one successfully take this big step. Here’s how to know your child is ready for potty training, plus…  read on >  read on >

Not everyone wants children, and that number is higher than you might think, a new poll shows. More than 1 in 5 Michigan adults aren’t really interested in becoming parents, a number that initially surprised researchers so much that they repeated the study and found the number who didn’t want kids was essentially the same…  read on >  read on >