As doctors learn more about COVID-19 infection, they are finding that in rare cases, it appears tied to a disturbing eye condition. Retinal vein occlusion is a blockage of the small veins that carry blood away from the retina, which causes blurred vision. It usually occurs in people suffering from diabetes, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure,…  read on >  read on >

People who suspect they may have COVID-19 could soon find out with a simple breath test that delivers results in three minutes. On Thursday, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted an emergency use authorization for a device called the InspectIR Covid-19 Breathalyzer. The test, which must be administered by a trained operator, demonstrates a…  read on >  read on >

Life would be much better for farm animals if children were in charge, a new British study suggests. Unlike adults, children believe farm animals should be treated the same as people and pets, and children are less likely to view eating animals as morally acceptable. The study included 479 people in England from three age…  read on >  read on >

The structure of teens’ families influences their risk of delinquent behaviors such as shoplifting, graffiti or robbery, new research suggests. For the study, the researchers analyzed survey data gathered between 2016 and 2019 from more than 3,800 14- and 15-year-olds in Sweden. They used a statistical measure called incident rate ratio, or IRR, to compare…  read on >  read on >

As the number of known coronavirus cases worldwide hit 500 million on Tuesday, health experts called for increased testing, vaccination and contact tracing. There’s been a sharp rise in known cases so far this year, from 300 million in early January to 400 million in early February and half a billion now, The New York…  read on >  read on >