Acupuncture can help breast cancer patients deal with the hot flashes that often accompany hormone therapy, a new clinical trial says. Nearly 2 in 3 women who got acupuncture during hormone therapy reported fewer and less intense hot flashes, results show. Hormone therapy blocks the effect of estrogen and other hormones that powers some breast… read on > read on >
All Mommy:
Ignorance Could Be Fueling Rising Spread of STDs, Poll Finds
Many sexually transmitted diseases are on the rise in the United States, and a nationwide poll indicates that ignorance about how they’re transmitted could be fueling their spread. About a third of Americans (34%) falsely believe sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can only be transmitted through sexual intercourse, poll results show. In fact, they can also… read on > read on >
States With Abortion Bans Also Saw Declines in Birth Control Post-Dobbs
Post-Dobbs bans and restrictions on abortion are having a spillover effect in reducing the use of birth control and emergency contraception in those states most affected, a new study shows. Why the troubling trend? The study’s author believes the demise of Roe v. Wade in 2022 triggered the closure of many family planning clinics. “Because… read on > read on >
Obesity May Be Even Less Healthy If Child Was Born Underweight
Low-birth-weight newborns have a higher risk of health complications if they become obese as children, a new study has found. Obese children who were low-birth-weight babies have a higher risk of insulin resistance, fatty liver and other health problems, researchers found. The study “supports the theory that individuals who were born low birth weight, or… read on > read on >
Could Mom’s Smartphone Use Affect Baby’s Language Development?
Mothers tend to speak less to infants when they’re on their smartphones, a new study finds. Moms talked 16% less to their babies when they were fiddling with their phone, researchers found. Shorter 1- to 2-minute intervals of phone use interfered with mom-baby interaction even more, decreasing a mother’s baby talk by 26%. “Our advice… read on > read on >
Texas’ 2021 Abortion Ban Tied to Rise in Infant Deaths
Following state legislation passed in 2021 that essentially banned abortion in Texas, the rate of infant deaths rose by almost 13%, compared to a much smaller 1.8% rise nationwide, a new study finds. The number of Texan babies whose deaths were specifically linked to birth defects also jumped by 22.9% in 2022, the year after… read on > read on >
Medication Abortion Without Ultrasound Is Safe: Study
Women don’t need an ultrasound to have a safe medication abortion, a new study says. Women who received abortion pills by mail without getting an ultrasound first did just as well as those who were examined and given the drugs in person, researchers found. “This study adds to a growing and robust body of evidence… read on > read on >
FDA’s Move to OK First Menthol Vapes Is Big Mistake, Health Advocates Say
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s decision to authorize the first menthol-flavored e-cigarettes has drawn the the ire of health advocates who say the decision undermines efforts to end the youth vaping epidemic in America. In its approval of four flavored vaping products made by Njoy, the agency defended its decision. “Based upon our rigorous… read on > read on >
Dad Facts: What Men Need to Know About Their Fertility
When a couple can’t get pregnant, the focus is often on the prospective mom, but that needs to change, a Houston urologist says. “Both partners need evaluation,” said Dr. Larry Lipschultz, a professor of urology at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. “With fertility, you can’t finger point. It’s not a male or female problem… read on > read on >
Looking for Good Info on Vasectomy? Skip ‘the Snip’ on TikTok
Men looking to limit their odds for fatherhood probably have questions about vasectomy. They should steer clear of TikTok for answers, however. A new study examining the quality of the top 100 most liked videos on TikTok found that, in terms of medical accuracy, the clips scored a dismal 0.19 on a scale ranging from… read on > read on >