School districts in Florida can require their students to wear masks, despite the governor’s order blocking mask mandates – for now at least. A circuit court judge in Leon County ruled Wednesday that the state can’t enforce Gov. Ron DeSantis’ ban on school mask mandates, CBS News reported. “We’re not in normal times. We are…  read on >  read on >

Very few privately insured young children get recommended dental fluoride treatments at health wellness visits, even though insurance typically covers them, a new study finds. “Medical providers are not required to do this; it’s like a mammogram,” said lead author Kimberley Geissler, an associate professor of health policy and management at the University of Massachusetts…  read on >  read on >

Eczema doesn’t just irritate kids’ skin. The often disfiguring condition may also be tied to depression, anxiety and sleep difficulties, new research warns. A study of more than 11,000 British children and teens found that those with severe eczema were twice as likely to become clinically depressed as eczema-free kids. “Eczema is an itchy red…  read on >  read on >

There have now been more than 40 million cases of COVID-19 recorded among Americans, according to a database maintained by The New York Times. That’s nearly one-fifth of the global total of cases. With the Delta variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus cutting a swathe through the United States, and about 47% of the eligible population…  read on >  read on >

Exercising during pregnancy can benefit babies’ lungs, Scandinavian researchers report. “This study offers a fascinating hint that increased physical activity of mothers is associated with better lung function in their babies and, therefore, possibly their health in later life,” said Jonathan Grigg, head of the European Respiratory Society Tobacco Control Committee, who was not involved…  read on >  read on >

Adults with autism, intellectual disabilities or mental health disorders are at increased risk for COVID-19 and severe illness, researchers report. Being aware of the heightened risk is important in prioritizing COVID-19 prevention measures, such as vaccination, testing, masking and distancing for these groups, the researchers said. “These high-risk populations should be recognized by clinicians, and…  read on >  read on >

Young people appear to have normal lung function after recovering from COVID-19, new studies find. In one, Swedish researchers found that even asthma patients had no significant impairment in lung function. In the other, German researchers found unimpaired lung function after kids and teens had a COVID-19 infection — unless their infection was severe. “The…  read on >  read on >