Youth who identify as LGBTQ+ suffer more bullying at their schools when they live in areas with politically conservative voting records, a new study finds. School boards should do more to implement policies that go beyond minimum protections for LGBTQ+ youth, regardless of political affiliation, the researchers suggested. “To my knowledge, nobody has really looked…  read on >  read on >

Thinking of starting a family? Start getting your heart in shape. New research suggests that how healthy a woman’s heart is before conception affects outcomes in her pregnancy. Study author Dr. Sadiya Khan said the findings make a case for more comprehensive heart assessments prior to pregnancy rather than focusing on isolated individual risk factors,…  read on >  read on >

Coffee delivers the boost that many people need to start their day. Now, new research suggests this breakfast powerhouse may also provide some protection against COVID-19. Consuming vegetables and having been breastfed might also reduce your COVID-19 risk, according to the new study from Northwestern University in Chicago. Conversely, processed meats may increase your susceptibility…  read on >  read on >

Here’s another reason for new moms to give breastfeeding a try: Toddlers who were breastfed for even a few days have lower blood pressure than those who always got a bottle, research finds. And lower blood pressure at an early age may lead to a healthier heart and blood vessels in adulthood, researchers said. The…  read on >  read on >

It’s important for parents to recognize when kids have breathing problems during sleep and to seek medical help, an expert says. “During sleep, the muscles keeping the upper airway stiff relax, and as a consequence, the airway narrows, which can cause snoring, snorting or in severe cases, the complete obstruction of the airway,” said Kurt…  read on >  read on >

About one in 20 kids hospitalized with COVID-19 develop debilitating brain or nerve complications that could haunt some for a long time, a new British study reports. Children with severe infections can suffer from brain inflammation, seizures, stroke, behavior changes, hallucinations and psychosis. About one-third of the stricken kids had symptoms that didn’t resolve in…  read on >  read on >