Obese teenagers can have certain brain differences from their thinner peers — changes that might signal damage from inflammation, a new, preliminary study suggests. Using advanced MRI techniques, researchers found that obese teenagers tended to have signs of decreased “integrity” in the brain’s white matter. White matter contains the fibers that connect different areas of…  read on >

Popularized in movies, the phrase, “You’ll shoot your eye out,” is often repeated jokingly whenever someone talks about BB or paintball guns. But it’s no laughing matter. These “non-powder” guns can cause serious, life-altering injuries, and these injuries are now happening far more often. In fact, a new study found that while the overall rate…  read on >

Stress abounds during the holiday season, but you can ease it, an expert says. The way to manage stress is to recognize it and take steps to minimize it so it doesn’t overwhelm you, according to Cinnamon Stetler, an associate professor of psychology at Furman University, in Greenville, S.C. One way to ease holiday stress…  read on >

Most American parents say they might have trouble distinguishing between a teen’s typical mood swings and possible signs of depression, a new survey finds. The nationwide poll of 819 parents with at least one child in middle school, junior high or high school found that while one-third were confident they could detect depression in their…  read on >

Changing your baby’s diaper may seem scary, but don’t worry. Within a few weeks, you can be an expert. Gather a clean diaper, wet wipes, a burp cloth and a safe place to change your baby before starting. The American Pregnancy Association offers these step-by-step directions: Lay the baby down. Use safety straps to prevent…  read on >

In light of the more than 250 mass shootings in the United States in 2019, the American Psychological Association encourages parents to help their kids feel safe. The association offers this advice: Talk with your children about their worries and concerns. Keep home a safe and comfortable place. Watch for any signs of stress, fear…  read on >

The HPV vaccine gives parents a chance to prevent their children from developing some types of cancer, and two new studies reaffirm what past research has found — the vaccine is safe. The two studies included millions of doses of Gardasil 9 vaccine, the only vaccine currently used in the United States for the prevention…  read on >

Pregnancy-related high blood pressure puts women at higher risk of heart disease later on, new research suggests. In the study, researchers analyzed an average of seven years of follow-up data on more than 220,000 women in the United Kingdom. Those who had gestational high blood pressure or preeclampsia in at least one pregnancy had stiffer…  read on >