Young women who find a lump or other potential signs of breast cancer often delay for weeks before finally seeing a doctor, a new study shows. On average, young women waited two weeks before seeing a doctor about troubling breast symptoms, researchers found. One-third of young breast cancer patients waited for more than a month…  read on >  read on >

Toddlers who grow up near nature are less likely to have emotional issues, even if the green space is just a park or a big back yard, a new study shows. The more green space there is within three-fourths of a mile from a child’s home, the fewer symptoms of anxiety and depression they’ll have…  read on >  read on >

Health care cost and access are not the only barriers women face in getting lifesaving mammograms, a new government report finds. Food insecurity, lack of transportation, less hours at work and feelings of isolation also can keep women from getting screened for breast cancer, researchers from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention discovered.…  read on >  read on >