A new trial confirms that the drug selumetinib shrinks tumors in children suffering from neurofibromatosis type 1. The condition is characterized by changes in skin coloring and the growth of tumors along nerves in the skin, brain and other parts of the body. The tumors cause disfigurement, limitations on strength and range of motion, and…  read on >

Advice on eating fish while pregnant has flip-flopped over the years. Now, a new study suggests that the benefit of eating fish in moderation during pregnancy outweighs the risk. Fish is a major source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for a developing fetus. But some fish — such as swordfish, shark and mackerel…  read on >

U.S. immigration policies may put Hispanic teens’ mental and physical health at risk, researchers say. Of 547 U.S.-born Hispanic kids surveyed in Atlanta, one-quarter had a parent, aunt, uncle or other family member who was detained or deported in 2017 or 2018. Participants were questioned twice, six months apart. Compared to other middle school- and…  read on >

As more people recover from COVID-19, that means more people should have antibodies against the virus. And it’s possible that blood donations from those survivors could help protect or treat other people, according to some infectious disease experts. The general notion is far from new. In the first half of the 20th century, doctors used…  read on >

Schools are closing. Sports and other activities have been cancelled. Everything is changing. In the midst of this chaos, how do parents keep kids from stressing too much? “For families, this is truly now hitting home,” said psychologist Robin Gurwitch, from Duke University and the Center for Child and Family Health, in Durham, N.C. “Families…  read on >

(HealthDay News) — The U.S. State Department warned Americans to avoid international travel and residents of the country’s most populous state, California, were ordered to stay at home indefinitely, as national coronavirus cases climbed past 13,000. California’s order — the most drastic measure taken yet in this country to slow down the spread of coronavirus…  read on >

(HealthDay News) — Coronavirus continued its insidious spread throughout America on Tuesday, as all 50 states reported cases and the death toll topped 100. As the case count climbed past 6,000, the Trump administration pushed an $850 billion aid package that could include $1,000 checks sent to all Americans, to blunt the severity of a…  read on >

(HealthDay News) — The Trump Administration on Monday ramped up its coronavirus “social distancing” advisory to now discourage gatherings of 10 or more people. Hours later, about 7 million people in the San Francisco Bay Area were ordered to shelter in their homes. Residents were instructed to only leave for “essential” reasons, such as going…  read on >