Pregnancy transforms women’s bodies in many obvious ways, but new research suggests it may also accelerate aging. Women who had been pregnant appeared to be biologically older than women who had never carried a child, the genetic analysis revealed. Further, more pregnancies meant more aging. “Our findings suggest that pregnancy speeds up biological aging, and…  read on >  read on >

Childbirth is a harrowing ordeal, and it’s being made worse by mistreatment from health care providers during labor, a new study says. More than one in every eight women are mistreated during childbirth, researchers found. Most commonly, women’s requests for help during labor were refused or ignored, results show. Nearly 8% of women said this…  read on >  read on >

Menopause may cause a big shift in plaque buildup in women’s arteries, quickly bringing their heart risk to levels that equal men’s, a new study finds. “After menopause, women have much less estrogen and shift to a more testosterone-heavy profile,” explained study lead author Dr. Ella Ishaaya. “This affects the way your body stores fat,…  read on >  read on >