Both pregnancy and breastfeeding may protect women against early menopause, new research suggests. The risk was lowest among those who breast-fed exclusively, meaning the baby received breast milk only — no liquids or solid foods. Early menopause is the end of menstruation before age 45, the study authors said. For the study, the researchers analyzed…  read on >

“Dabbing” cannabis concentrate is the type of marijuana experimentation most likely to lead teens into frequent and heavy use of the drug, researchers say. “We really wanted to understand whether the type of cannabis that youth experiment with influences the likelihood that they will continue to use cannabis and use more heavily,” said Jessica Barrington-Trimis,…  read on >

Don’t get tackled by the flu if you go to a Super Bowl party this weekend. Some simple precautions can protect you and others, said Libby Richards, an associate professor who specializes in public health at Purdue University School of Nursing in West Lafayette, Ind. “If you are sick or a family member or friend…  read on >

Taking a “new mothers” class and asking nurses to help with baby basics during your hospital stay can help prepare you for time at home, says the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Before discharge, the agency recommends that you know how to: Handle a newborn and support your baby’s neck. Change your baby’s…  read on >