Men who use marijuana at least once a week are twice as likely to see their partner’s pregnancy end in miscarriage, compared to those who use no pot, new research suggests. Miscarriages related to frequent male pot use tended to occur within eight weeks of conception, which bolsters suspicions that marijuana use damages sperm in…  read on >

Historically, black teenagers in the United States have had lower suicide rates than whites. But a new study finds that more black teens have been attempting suicide in recent years — and experts are not sure why. Researchers at New York University found that between 1991 and 2017, there was an increase in the number…  read on >

Pregnant women should not ride roller coasters or other jarring rides at the amusement park, says the American Pregnancy Association. The rapid starts and stops and jerky motions that characterize these rides can lead to premature separation of the placenta, the group says. Premature separation has occurred among many women in car accidents. Currently, there…  read on >

SATURDAY, Oct. 12, 2019Fall can be a challenging time of the year for kids with asthma, an expert says. “Although asthma can flare up for a number of reasons, a lot of people with allergies also have asthma, and asthma can be triggered by allergies. So the fall is a tough time for asthmatic sufferers,”…  read on >

There’s a healthy new twist in the farm-to-table movement: Getting farm-fresh food to school lunchrooms and even having students grow their own crops as part of learning. Colorado was a pioneer in passing the “Farm-to-School Healthy Kids Act” in 2010. The move was designed to increase the use of local farm and ranch products in…  read on >

THURSDAY, Oct. 10, 2019America’s child obesity epidemic shows no signs of shrinking. About 4.8 million American kids aged 10 to 17 — just over 15% — were obese in 2017-2018, according to a new report. “These new data show that this challenge touches the lives of far too many children in this country,” said Dr.…  read on >

From wanting attention to communicating their feelings, children bite for a variety of reasons, says the National Association for the Education of Young Children. When addressing your child’s biting habit, the association suggests: Watch your child to learn where, when and in what situations biting occurs. Pay attention to signals. Step in if your child…  read on >

If you’re an adult managing sleep problems, you likely know that part of creating an environment conducive to sleep includes turning off all gadgets at least an hour before bed because of the effects of the light they emit. This same advice goes for kids, too. Using smartphones, tablets and other gadgets has become more…  read on >

From crooked to crowded teeth, children need braces for a variety of reasons, says KidsHealth. Because it’s so easy for food to get stuck in braces, children need to take extra steps to keep their teeth clean. To care for braces, KidsHealth encourages: Brushing after meals and flossing daily. Scheduling regular dental cleanings and checkups.…  read on >

Along with the flu, this is the time of year for sinus infections with their make-you-miserable stuffy, runny noses and blocked ears. Most sinus infections are caused by viruses, but bacteria can also be to blame, according to Dr. Jessica Grayson, an assistant professor of otolaryngology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. “When people…  read on >