Shhhhh. Preterm infants can benefit from quiet times in hospital neonatal intensive care units (NICUs), a new study says. High noise levels are known to harm health, and infants in NICUs are especially vulnerable, so some NICUs have created quiet times to limit potentially dangerous noise levels, according to the Acoustical Society of America. “Although…  read on >

If you’re part of a multi-generational home, you’re in good company. The number of Americans living with two or more adult generations of one family rose during the last recession and has grown to an all-time high during the recovery. More than 64 million Americans live in a multi-generational home, according to a census analysis…  read on >

They might be too young to abuse opioids themselves, but America’s kids are suffering nonetheless because of their drug-dependent parents. New research shows more than 600,000 American parents with kids under 18 are addicted to opioids. That amounts to almost 1% of parents of minors, most of whom aren’t getting treated, the study found. In…  read on >

Could you — or your teenage daughter — have an iron deficiency and not know it? If you’re getting enough sleep, but still feel tired, running low on iron could be the problem. Iron is our most common nutrient shortfall. A serious deficiency can lead to anemia. That’s when you have fewer red blood cells…  read on >

Medical marijuana extracts appear to help children with autism, reducing their disruptive behavior while improving their social responsiveness, a new Israeli clinical trial reports. Kids treated with either a whole-plant cannabis extract or a pure combination of cannabidiol (CBD) and THC experienced a significant improvement in their symptoms, compared with a control group given a…  read on >

Few things are as distressing as baby’s cries when his or her first teeth are coming in, but it’s important to know what not to use to soothe that pain. Over the years, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has issued warnings about many teething products, starting with over-the-counter gels and liquids containing benzocaine, which…  read on >

Though arts and crafts are fun activities for children, safety precautions should still be followed, says the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Safety rules when children are using art materials include: Keep food and drinks out of the art area. Adults should mix powdered and dusty materials. Wash hands after using art materials. Watch for…  read on >

New York’s ongoing measles epidemic alarmed midtown Manhattan resident Deb Ivanhoe, who couldn’t remember whether she’d ever been vaccinated as a child. So Ivanhoe, 60, sought out her long-time primary care doctor, who performed an antibody test to see whether she had any protection against measles. To her surprise, the test revealed that Ivanhoe had…  read on >

Teens spend countless hours glued to their phones and tablets, continually posting to social media, but British researchers report that might not be as terrible as many parents may think. It appears that teens who are less satisfied with their lives do tend to spend more time on Snapchat, Instagram and the like, but the…  read on >