Microbiomes: You’ve probably heard of these communities of largely helpful bacteria that colonize the gut or the skin.  But a man’s semen has a microbiome of its own, and new research suggests it could play a role in fertility. Researchers at the University of California Los Angeles examined the microbiomes and sperm health of 73…  read on >  read on >

College freshmen who are more outgoing and agreeable — and less moody — are more likely to feel a sense of belonging at their new school, new research has found. Those personality traits could result in better academic performance and better mental health during college, the study authors concluded. However, two other important personality traits…  read on >  read on >

Stressed-out teens are likely to have more heart health risk factors in adulthood, a new study says. Teens with elevated stress levels tended to have high blood pressure, obesity and other heart risk factors as they aged, compared to those teens with less stress, researchers found. “Our findings suggest that perceived stress patterns over time…  read on >  read on >

Art therapy has the potential to help women deal with menopause, a new study reports. Creative arts therapies combined with nutrition education significantly improved quality of life, stress, anxiety and body image in a group of overweight women who had entered menopause, researchers said. All participants also experienced decreases in body mass index and blood…  read on >  read on >