Three-year-old children may be among the most difficult to manage as they become more independent and talkative. The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests these ways to manage the sometimes terrible 3’s: Be positive, and try to yell less often. Be aware of your child’s needs. Give the child your full attention in frequent, small doses.…  read on >

Young athletes specializing in one sport may hope it’s a ticket to an athletic scholarship in college, but a new analysis suggests the practice might also doom them to overuse injuries. Pulling data from five prior studies, scientists found that athletes aged 18 and younger who concentrated on a single sport were nearly two times…  read on >

Adopting healthy patterns during the teen years may lead to a better quality of life as an adult, the American Academy of Family Physicians says. The academy suggests teaching your teen about: Physical Health – Exercise often, eat a healthy diet, maintain a healthy weight, get enough sleep, keep up to date on vaccines, maintain…  read on >

Cases of childhood obesity have risen steadily over the past two decades, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says. Children who are obese are more likely to be bullied, are at higher risk of developing other chronic health problems and are more likely to remain obese as adults, the agency says. The CDC…  read on >

Radiation therapy for the most common childhood brain tumor can cause memory problems, new research suggests. Specifically, it can leave young survivors struggling to create memories of recent personal events, the small study found. But survivors’ ability to recall ones that happened before radiation wasn’t affected. “There are some known cognitive effects from radiation treatment,…  read on >

Children whose parents have cancer are more likely to struggle in school and to have lower incomes as adults, a new Danish study suggests. The study included more than 1 million people born in Denmark from 1978 through 1999. Before their 18th birthday, about one in 20 had a parent diagnosed with cancer. By age…  read on >

Play is a child’s most important work, preschool teachers like to say, and a new American Academy of Pediatrics report wholeheartedly agrees. Play is a crucial way for kids to develop social and mental skills, head off stress and build a healthy bond with parents, the child health experts say. “We’re recommending that doctors write…  read on >

Nearly 40 percent of teen drivers in the United States say they text while driving, a new survey finds. Researchers analyzed survey data from teen drivers aged 14 and older in 35 states and found that more than a third said they’d texted while driving at least once in the month before the survey. In…  read on >

There are a number of things you can do to ensure your kids have a smooth start to the new school year. Don’t wait until the first day of class to seek help. Schools are open over the summer to address any concerns you or your child might have, and the best time to get…  read on >