Deer ticks are scary enough. Now, scientists have linked bites from the lone star tick to about one-third of all potentially life-threatening allergic reactions around Tennessee. A lone star tick bite can cause a severe immune system response to red meat — such as beef, pork and lamb — said study lead author Dr. Debendra…  read on >

If you’re trying to control your weight, don’t look to caffeine for help. Caffeine is not an effective appetite suppressant or weight-loss aid, researchers report in a small, new study. The study involved 50 healthy adults, aged 18 to 50. The researchers found that after the volunteers drank some juice with a small amount of…  read on >

Stretch marks aren’t confined to pregnant women. Youngsters in puberty also may develop these lines on the body due to rapid growth. Skin is typically quite elastic, the Nemours Foundation points out, but when it overstretched, small scars known as stretch marks may develop. Nemours suggests how to make stretch marks less noticeable: Use a…  read on >

Sorry, new moms, although you’ve already waited at least nine months, it’s not time for a glass of wine just yet: New research suggests it might be best for baby’s brain to wait until you’ve stopped breast-feeding. That’s because exposure to alcohol in breast milk was linked to a reduction in thinking and reasoning skills…  read on >

Hot flashes are a common symptom for menopausal women. The earlier in life hot flashes begin, the longer they may last, the U.S. National Institute on Aging says. The agency suggests how to manage hot flashes: Dress in layers, which can be removed when hot flashes begin. Carry a portable fan. Avoid alcohol, spicy foods…  read on >

Exposure to bright light in the hour before bedtime can make it difficult for kids to fall asleep, family health experts warn. As day changes to night, the body increases production of a sleep-inducing hormone called melatonin. But exposure to artificial light from light bulbs or electronic devices can disrupt melatonin production, according to a…  read on >

College students might want to leave their smartphones and tablets behind when they head to a lecture, new research suggests. Otherwise, the distraction might translate into a lower grade on the final exam. For the study, researchers followed 118 cognitive psychology students at Rutgers University in New Jersey. For one term, electronic devices were banned…  read on >

Struggles with infertility can take an emotional toll. But a new study finds the stress that a woman often experiences during infertility treatment won’t limit her chances of success. The analysis looked at 20 studies that explored the stress surrounding infertility, a condition that touches millions of women around the world. “Infertility and its treatment…  read on >

You know that wearing seat belts and putting kids in appropriate car seats can save lives, but are you doing all you can to make your car a safe environment for little ones? Hundreds of thousands of car seats are recalled for safety defects every year, with more than 6 million recalled in 2014, the…  read on >

Many people won’t start the day without a cup of coffee. Caffeine, the stimulant found in coffee, isn’t harmful for most people who drink 400 milligrams (mg) or less each day, the U.S. National Library of Medicine says. The average 8 oz. cup of coffee contains 95 to 200 mg of caffeine, while a 12-ounce…  read on >