Parents should learn a host of terms that schools use to indicate various states of emergency, the American Academy of Pediatrics says. The academy defines these key terms: Evacuation: Used to indicate movement of students and staff out of the school building. Relocation: Used to indicate movement of students and staff to a pre-designated alternate…  read on >

Childhood obesity is a problem that often follows kids into adulthood, exposing them to serious health threats later in life. Here’s how to get — or keep — your child’s weight in a healthy range. First, eating as a family is key to preventing weight gain in kids. Positive family interaction has been listed in…  read on >

Students who feel a like they belong at school have a greater chance of doing well and staying there, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says. Research confirms that children who feel “connected” to school are more likely to get better grades, stay in school longer, have higher test scores and are less…  read on >

Is your family struggling with overweight or obesity? To lose weight, take a team approach. Studies show that when overweight parents shed pounds, so do their overweight kids. Parents hold the keys to positive behaviors that encourage a healthy weight, from doing the food shopping and cooking to getting kids involved in sports and other…  read on >

If your parents pushed you to diet as a teen, chances are you will do the same to your own children. New research suggests that when parents focus on a teen’s diet, it creates an unhealthy cycle that can harm generations to come. “Adolescents who received encouragement to diet from their parents were more likely…  read on >

Is your toddler always kicking and screaming? There’s a reason for much of it. Physical aggression, like pushing and hitting, is part of the learning process. This typically lasts from about one-and-a-half to three-and-a-half years of age, until children learn how to ask for a toy, for instance, rather than just grab it from another…  read on >

Teenagers who use e-cigarettes expose themselves to cancer-causing toxins, particularly if they choose fruit-flavored products, a new study reports. Urine tests revealed elevated levels of five different toxins in the bodies of teens who use e-cigarettes (often called vaping). And all of the toxins are known or suspected carcinogens, said lead researcher Dr. Mark Rubenstein,…  read on >

A growing number of U.S. kids are ending up in the intensive care unit after overdosing on prescription painkillers or other opioids, a new study finds. Researchers found that between 2004 and 2015, the number of children and teens admitted to a pediatric intensive care unit for an opioid overdose nearly doubled. That included teenagers…  read on >

Seeing too many social media posts from friends about their fitness activity can harm your body image, a new study contends. “When people received more posts about exercise, it made them more concerned about their weight — more self-conscious — and that’s not a good thing,” said study co-author Stephen Rains. He’s a professor of…  read on >

Heart disease used to be thought of as a man’s issue, but women are unfortunately catching up. And though it’s still also thought of as an older person’s disease, lifestyle factors in your younger years can make you more susceptible. So it’s never too soon to protect heart health. Young women in particular aren’t always…  read on >