2 or more sweet drinks a day in second trimester linked to an extra 2 pounds in 8-year-olds read on >
2 or more sweet drinks a day in second trimester linked to an extra 2 pounds in 8-year-olds read on >
Poison control centers get one call every 21 seconds about a potentially serious mix-up read on >
Water left behind after a swim can give you a serious earache — but not if you know what to do read on >
Bacteria, parasites and other nasty surprises may be hiding in the sand
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South Korean study found a quieter room was tied to better odds for fatherhood read on >
Document lets family members know your wishes read on >
Study finds couples who seek in vitro fertilization are not at added risk of divorce read on >
Absenteeism by fearful kids linked to an extra $276 million in expenditures in California each year read on >
Infection rates no higher than for adults, and actually lowest for younger kids read on >