Suggestions to keep it clean
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All Mommy:
Best Ways to Steer Clear of the Flu
For starters, get a flu vaccine to protect yourself and others, infectious diseases expert says read on >
Screen Time May Not Be So Bad for Teens After All
Those who spend hours on smartphones, computers, TV can still flourish, develop social skills, study finds read on >
Incentives May Spur Poor Families to Buy More Fruits, Veggies
Many may not know about program that doubles value of food stamps spent on produce, study finds read on >
Why Winter Weather Brings More Flu
Cold, dry air helps the virus stay airborne long enough to cause infections, researchers say read on >
For a Colicky Baby, You Might Give Acupuncture a Try
Treatment with 1 to 5 needles might stop the excessive crying, Swedish researchers say read on >
Can HIV Drugs Boost Syphilis Risk?
Meds may raise susceptibility to bacterium that causes the sexually transmitted disease, study suggests read on >
Parents Have Mixed Views on When to Keep Sick Kids Out of School
Most agree those with diarrhea should stay home, but about half would send a child who had thrown up read on >
Kids Born to Opioid-Addicted Moms Seem to Fare Poorly in School
By 7th grade, 4 out of 10 failed to meet standards in at least one academic area, study finds read on >
Health Tip: Ward Off Infections During Pregnancy
Suggestions to protect yourself read on >