There may be a ‘spillover’ effect when kids get other mandated immunizations, study finds read on >
There may be a ‘spillover’ effect when kids get other mandated immunizations, study finds read on >
When you’re sick, stay home, health officials urge read on >
Here’s what’s recommended
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Students need an appropriate return to mental work, doctors say read on >
Nearly 2 of 3 young people using e-cigs load them with flavors such as bubble gum or gummy bear read on >
And be sure to have an escape plan
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Rather, adolescents’ nocturnal tendencies a mismatch for early school start times, sleep specialist says read on >
9 out of 10 exceed daily recommendations, CDC researchers find read on >
45 percent of women who miscarried reported struggling with the mental disorder read on >
Children from kindergarten through second grade put on weight when school’s out, study found read on >