Safety tips for walking trick-or-treaters
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Safety tips for walking trick-or-treaters
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Found no change in pot use among children, but that wasn’t the case for people older than 25 read on >
Immersion may help during early labor, but poses risks during delivery, ob-gyns advise read on >
Suggestions to keep moving read on >
Sleeping nearby — but not in same bed — advised for first year, pediatricians’ group says read on >
Not yet clear if those changes are lasting or meaningful read on >
Things teens should avoid read on >
DEA-sponsored event offers sites to safely dispose of unused meds read on >
New review offers parents advice on how to be more careful with postings that could affect their children read on >
Suggestions include no screen time for those under 18 months, not using media as ‘soothing tool’ read on >