Although uncommon, vision impairment from these devices can be permanent, study reports read on >
Although uncommon, vision impairment from these devices can be permanent, study reports read on >
Study finds there’s lots mothers-to-be can do to help ensure they deliver at full-term read on >
Study found equal benefits in easing anxiety read on >
It’s not concerning in these scenarios
read on >
Pediatricians’ group suggests kids play multiple sports read on >
Reasons for refusing shots have changed in recent years, U.S. pediatricians’ group finds read on >
Updated guidance provides further protection for U.S. blood supply read on >
New report also highlights ties between Zika and Guillain-Barre read on >
Overloaded carryalls injure thousands of school children in U.S. read on >
When patients ask about safety and using e-cigarettes to stop smoking, doctors’ advice differs read on >