Eye tests are an important way to catch potential eye-related issues in children, but more than two-thirds of kids in the United States are not receiving them at their checkups. Those with Medicaid and other public health insurance were far less likely to receive these vision checks in the past year at their primary care… read on > read on >
All Mommy:
Another Source of Lead Exposure for Kids: Secondhand Smoke
One source of lead exposure in children may surprise you. It’s secondhand smoke, according to a Texas A&M University study. “Further research will likely paint a clearer picture of this exposure route, especially in younger children, but the findings here can inform current efforts to eliminate low-level lead exposure in children,” said co-author Dr. Genny… read on > read on >
1 in 5 U.S. Mothers Say They’ve Been Mistreated During Maternity Care
From receiving no response to cries for help to being verbally abused, 1 in 5 U.S. mothers say they were mistreated by a health care professional during pregnancy and delivery. Rates of mistreatment during maternity care were higher among Black, Hispanic and multiracial women, according to a survey of more than 2,400 new moms published… read on > read on >
Estrogen Cream Not Always Warranted After Prolapse Surgeries, Study Finds
Women having surgery for pelvic organ prolapse are often prescribed vaginal estrogen to boost the odds of a successful procedure. Now a clinical trial shows it doesn’t actually work. Pelvic organ prolapse is a disorder where weakened muscles and other tissues in the pelvis allow one or more organs — including the uterus, bladder or… read on > read on >
FDA Approves RSV Vaccine for Pregnant Women to Help Shield Newborns
Women may soon have a vaccine they can take during a pregnancy to help protect their newborn from respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), following U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval of the shot, called Abrysvo, on Monday The vaccine is designed to be given to pregnant women between 32 and 36 weeks of pregnancy as a… read on > read on >
Poll Shows Who Americans Trust (and Don’t Trust) for Health News
Misinformation about health and medicine is rampant in the United States, with far too many Americans being presented false claims and left wondering what to believe, a new survey reports. At least 4 in 10 people say they’ve heard 10 specific false claims about COVID-19, reproductive health and gun violence, the KFF survey says. KFF… read on > read on >
More Screen Time for Babies Could Slow Development
Too much screen time can lead to developmental delays in babies, researchers say. When 1-year-olds viewed screens for more than four hours a day, they had delays in communication and problem-solving skills when assessed at ages 2 and 4, according to a new study published Aug. 21 in JAMA Pediatrics. They also had delays in… read on > read on >
With Cases Soaring, Guns Are Now Leading Cause of Death for U.S. Kids
Guns are now the leading cause of death among kids in the United States. That’s the chilling message from a new study that looked at numbers of U.S. children killed by guns from 2018 to 2021. During this time, there was close to a 42% jump in firearm-caused deaths. “There is a skyrocketing rate of… read on > read on >
Maryland Reports Case of Locally Acquired Malaria
There’s been another case of locally acquired malaria in the United States, this time in Maryland, authorities report. It’s the first time this has happened in that state in 40 years. No evidence connects this case to seven locally acquired infections in Florida or another one in Texas that were previously reported, according to the… read on >
Social Media Is Parents’ Top Concern as Kids Head Back to School: Poll
When U.S. parents express their concerns about their school-aged children, social media use and the internet are at the top of the list. Mental health issues are another top worry, according to the University of Michigan Health C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital National Poll on Children’s Health. “Parents still view problems directly impacting physical health, including… read on > read on >