Competitive sports can be a lot of fun for kids and teens, but starting a new season requires some planning. Nemours TeensHealth offers some suggestions for kids and teens who are taking up a new sport or beginning a new season. Start by getting into shape. That will make it easier when you begin your…  read on >  read on >

In the world of COVID-19 infections, the majority of patients develop symptoms, while about one-fifth mysteriously don’t develop a cough, sore throat or other tell-tale signs of illness. Now, new research finds that these symptom-free super-dodgers are more than twice as likely as others to carry a genetic mutation that seems to obliterate COVID-19. “The…  read on >  read on >

The United States now has had eight reported cases of malaria, seven of them in Florida, state health officials reported Tuesday. Considered a public health emergency, these cases are the first in two decades to be acquired within this country’s borders, not reported by someone who had traveled elsewhere, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control…  read on >  read on >

MONDAY, July 17, 2023 (HealthDay Now) — Parents now have a new long-acting drug to protect their children against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), a common germ that hospitalizes as many as 3% of children under the age of 1 in the United States each year. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Monday approved Beyfortus…  read on >  read on >

If your child has ever taken a knock to the head on the playing field, a new study has some reassuring news: There’s no evidence that a concussion shaves points from a kid’s IQ. Researchers found that compared with children and teens who’d suffered broken bones or sprained ankles, those with a recent concussion did…  read on >  read on >