Preschoolers prone to tantrums appear to have a higher risk of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) by the time they reach school age, a new study says. Young children who struggle to control their emotions and behavior have more ADHD symptoms by age 7, researchers found. Their conduct is more likely to be poor and they are…  read on >  read on >

Chronic health problems like high blood pressure, gestational diabetes and obesity have fueled a troubling rise in maternal health issues and birth complications in Illinois, a new study finds.  “These birth outcomes are worsening for all ages, reflecting the worsening pre-pregnancy health of the reproductive-age population in Illinois,” said corresponding author Dr. Mugdha Mokashi, a…  read on >  read on >

Rates of postpartum depression have more than doubled in little over a decade among American women, a new analysis shows. While about 1 in every 10 new moms (9.4%) suffered postpartum depression in 2010, that number rose to almost 1 in every 5 (19%) by 2021, report a team from Kaiser Permanente Southern California. Why…  read on >  read on >

Fostering good relationships with teachers in the early grades may have long-lasting benefits, new research suggests. “These early connections significantly influence not only academic achievement, but also social and emotional development and executive functioning skills, which are critical for educational success,” said researcher Arya Ansari, an associate professor of education and human ecology at Ohio…  read on >  read on >

Women who won’t leave the house without makeup or a spritz of hairspray may want to think twice about those habits when they’re pregnant or breastfeeding. New research links these and other personal care products, including hair dyes, fragrances, lotions, moisturizers and nail polishes to higher levels of so-called PFAS “forever chemicals” that are harmful…  read on >  read on >

Angry outbursts are common among children, as siblings squabble and kids protest the unfairness of rules like screen time limits. Now, a new survey shows that many parents struggle to manage their kids’ anger, and some even suspect they’re not providing a good example themselves. Seven in 10 parents think they sometimes don’t handle anger…  read on >  read on >