Following the historic destruction of Hurricane Helene, many Americans must now return to their mangled homes and begin the heartbreaking task of clean-up. After making landfall in Florida near Tallahassee as a ferocious Cat 4 storm on Thursday, Helene caused record-breaking storm surges in Tampa, flash flooding in Atlanta and power outages, massive flooding and…  read on >  read on >

Folks who depend on e-bikes and powered scooters to get around know they might get hurt, but they might be surprised by just how likely that really is. Rates of injury on the trendy transportation devices skyrocketed between 2019 and 2022, Columbia University researchers report. E-bike injuries jumped 293%; those involving powered scooters were up…  read on >  read on >

Diabetics who fly with an insulin pump could find themselves with lower-than-normal blood sugar levels, a new study says. Altitude appears to affect the ability of insulin pumps to deliver a steady supply of the hormone, researchers reported Sunday at the European Association for the Study of Diabetes annual meeting in Madrid. “Individuals who use…  read on >  read on >

Hospitals see more admissions for heart attacks in the days after cold weather sets in, new research shows. “Individuals may be particularly vulnerable to acute cardiac events during periods of cold stress,” said study lead author Wenli Ni, a postdoctoral research fellow at Harvard University. Her team presented its findings Sunday in London at the…  read on >  read on >

“Rolling stop” laws that let bicyclists treat stop signs as yield signs are not dangerous, a new study demonstrates. Both bike riders and drivers perform safely in intersections once they’ve been informed about how the law works, results from lab experiments involving bicycle and motor vehicle simulators show. “The focus of previous research has been…  read on >  read on >