Have you started feeling like your allergies are acting up earlier every year, or maybe they’re lasting longer? New research suggests it’s not just your imagination — climate change appears to be disrupting nature’s usual calendar. Areas with an earlier spring had a 14% higher rate of seasonal allergies (hay fever), the researchers found. “Climate…  read on >

The risks of using voice-based technology in your car may be greater than you think. Many consider this technology safer than using their hands to operate devices while driving, but it’s not risk-free, the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety warns. Mental distractions can last as long as 27 seconds after drivers use voice-assisted technology to…  read on >

Spring break may mean sun and fun for lots of college kids, but it doesn’t mean they can forget about contact lens care, experts say. Your risk of eye infections increases if you wear contacts and do things such as sleep in them, shower or swim with them in, and not wash your hands before…  read on >

Foodborne illness is often preventable, yet millions of people become sick from this, says the World Health Organization. The organization’s “Five Keys to Safer Food” are: Wash your hands before handling/consuming food. Separate raw and cooked food. Cook food thoroughly. Keep food below 5 degrees C or above 60 degrees C. Avoid tap water and…  read on >

A healthy democracy means better health for its citizens, a new study claims. Researchers analyzed political, economic and population health data from 170 countries over 46 years — 1970 to 2016. They concluded that as levels of democracy increased, governments spent more on health, irrespective of their country’s economic situation. “The results of this study…  read on >

The switch to Daylight Saving Time can increase the risk of driver fatigue and crashes, but there are a number of ways to reduce the danger, an expert says. “Any time change can exacerbate drowsiness because your internal clock has not adjusted to the time change. This can lead to disruptions in sleep until your…  read on >

Frostbite is a serious injury caused by extreme cold, which results in skin discoloration and loss of feeling. The nose, ears, cheeks, chin, fingers and toes are most often affected. To avoid permanent damage, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention urges the public to seek immediate medical care. Until immediate medical care is…  read on >

Headed out on vacation? Beware of heart attack: It’s the leading cause of natural death among travelers. If you have heart attack symptoms on the road, getting immediate medical care can improve your odds of long-term survival, according to a study presented Saturday at a meeting of the European Society of Cardiology, in Malaga, Spain.…  read on >

For some, strenuous winter activities can be hard on the heart. Simply walking through or shoveling snow can be especially dangerous for those with cardiovascular disease, the American Heart Association says. To make snowy days safer, the AHA suggests: Take breaks. Learn the heart attack warning signs. Avoid alcohol before and immediately after shoveling. Dress…  read on >

Winter can be hard for those watching their weight, the U.S. National Institutes of Health says. But you don’t have to wait until it warms up to burn those calories. Losing winter weight can start with equipment-free, in-home exercises: Squats. Push-ups. Planks. Wall sits. Lunges. Jumping jacks. Mountain climbers. Working out for 30 minutes each…  read on >