But that doesn’t mean roads will be safe New Year’s Eve; 28 million still drink and drive, survey finds read on >
But that doesn’t mean roads will be safe New Year’s Eve; 28 million still drink and drive, survey finds read on >
Avoid products that could irritate skin
read on >
Here are possible symptoms read on >
Good hygiene and disinfectant wipes will help keep illness at bay, germ expert says read on >
Athletic trainer offers tips to avoid cold weather-related injuries read on >
Plan for possible emergencies read on >
Red Cross offers tips for getting to your destination safely read on >
Report highlights need for accurate screening read on >
Urbanization, DDT pesticide ban played roles, but climate change may become a factor, researchers say read on >
Too little shut-eye can equal alcohol in terms of impairment behind the wheel, traffic safety group warns read on >