All Sauce from Weekly Sauce:

While there will always be a place for sit-ups for ab definition, many trainers now suggest standing exercises that not only train abs but back muscles, too. They’re more practical than getting down on the floor, and they may also be more effective because the moves strengthen the body’s core muscles, making everyday movements —…  read on >

Research continues to unlock the benefits of eating whole grains, already thought to promote better digestive health, along with being very filling. A review of 12 studies involving nearly 800,000 participants published in the journal Circulation found that eating three to four servings of whole grains every day can lower the death rate from many…  read on >

Blackout drinking is never a wise idea, but new research pinpoints why people sometimes imbibe to the point where they pass out. Celebrations and coping with stress are the top reasons for blackout drinking, the study found. Drinking too much too fast can cause a blackout, where a person remains conscious but later can’t remember…  read on >

Parents of budding teens can breathe a little easier: A new study says adolescent “sexting” is not an epidemic. On the other hand, it’s not disappearing, either, despite campaigns to curb it. “Sexting is perceived as an epidemic because the news highlights extreme cases that involve tragic outcomes, and because it goes against standards of…  read on >

Exposure therapy is a psychological treatment developed to help people confront their fears, says the American Psychological Association (APA). When people are fearful of things, they tend to avoid what frightens them. With exposure therapy, psychologists create an environment to expose people to the things they fear. Exposure therapy has been shown to help phobias,…  read on >

Many older men take testosterone to boost their sex drive, but new research suggests that postmenopausal women who struggle with a sagging libido might want to follow suit. Applied topically, the hormone appears to increase women’s sexual function and satisfaction, according to a new review of 36 clinical trials involving nearly 8,500 women. Women naturally…  read on >

“Don’t fight in front of the kids.” Sounds like familiar advice that’s been passed down from generation to generation. But as it turns out, it’s not always the fighting, but rather the way you fight that can have a negative — or a positive — effect on your children. Researchers E. Mark Cummings and Patrick…  read on >

If you’re looking for a frozen treat that won’t give your healthy eating plan the cold shoulder, pass on store-bought pops and make your own. Some prepackaged pops might be calorie-friendly, but many have dyes and preservatives. Making your own is easy, and you can use gut-friendly ingredients like kefir (a cultured dairy drink), fresh…  read on >

The danger that air pollution poses to the hearts and lungs of adults is well-documented, but new research suggests that newborns are also at risk. Infants of mothers who were exposed to high levels of air pollution in the week before giving birth were more likely to end up in the newborn intensive care unit…  read on >

Turns out that the old adage — an apple a day keeps the doctor away — may actually be true. New research suggests that the more plant foods you eat, the lower your risk of type 2 diabetes. People who ate a mostly plant-based diet reduced their risk of diabetes by 23%, the study found.…  read on >