All Sauce from Weekly Sauce:

Yogurt is a healthy food, and it may also be a cancer fighter, a new study suggests. Men who had two or more servings of yogurt a week had a 26% lower risk of developing precancerous growths in their colon, a new study reports. Researchers didn’t find the same cancer-fighting benefit for women, however. “These…  read on >

Sweet summer fruits make a luscious ending to a meal, but there’s no reason to limit them to dessert. Here are three fruity no-cook dishes that will please every palate. For a sauce with a special flavor punch, add chopped fresh cherries to your favorite salsa recipe. Cherries are loaded with anthocyanins, an antioxidant with…  read on >

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is an exercise technique done by alternating short bursts of all-out effort in an aerobic activity with periods done at a very slow pace. HIIT has many benefits, not the least of which is being able to get the results of a regular 30-minute workout with less heavy exertion and making…  read on >

A combination of depression and genetic risk may fuel an addiction to indoor tanning. That’s the conclusion of a new study out of Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center in Washington, D.C. For the study, researchers surveyed nearly 300 women who used indoor tanning beds, sunlamps or sun booths, and analyzed DNA samples. The women were…  read on >

Drug overdoses and suicide are common causes of death among women who die within a year of giving birth, a new study finds. In fact, in the study based on data from California, these two causes accounted for nearly 20% of postpartum deaths from 2010 to 2012. “These deaths are rare but devastating for families,”…  read on >

More than 3 million people in the U.S. have some form of epilepsy, says the Epilepsy Foundation of Eastern Pennsylvania. Seizures can last from seconds to minutes, and can cause convulsions. For convulsion-inducing seizures, here are suggestions for general first aid: Cushion the head and remove any glasses. Loosen tight clothing. Turn the person on…  read on >

With thousands of kids heading to camp for the summer, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has some tips for keeping them safe and happy. In a new report, the group recommends that all children have a checkup before leaving for camp. Parents should also know what health services the camp has and talk with…  read on >

Many children have difficulty with learning at some point, but those with learning disabilities often have several specific and persistent signs, which can start in preschool years. Recognizing them as soon as possible allows a child to get needed help and make better progress. General signs include difficulty with reading, writing, math skills, understanding or…  read on >

With all the attention that the very high-fat Keto diet is getting, you might be wondering how much fat is healthy and how much your body really needs every day to thrive. First, know that some fat is essential for most people. Your body uses fat for many health functions, including processing fat-soluble vitamins like…  read on >