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Eight healthy habits could add years to your life. A new study of more than 700,000 U.S. veterans breaks down the habits that when adopted by middle age, can help someone live substantially longer than folks who don’t have these habits. These are the big eight: Be physically active. Don’t smoke. Don’t get addicted to…  read on >  read on >

When it comes to pregnancy and caffeinated drinks, less is best, says an expert, warning women to avoid energy drinks in particular. “Energy drinks contain varying amounts of caffeine, so check nutrition labels to understand how much caffeine and other ingredients they contain,” Dr. David Nelson said in a news release from University of Texas…  read on >  read on >

It’s hot out there. If you’re working out outdoors this summer, take precautions. “If you plan to exercise in the heat, know your fitness level, take frequent breaks, wear proper clothing, wear sunscreen, avoid hottest times of the day and hydrate, hydrate, hydrate,” said Melanie McNeal, physical and occupational therapy manager in the Joseph Barnhart…  read on >  read on >

(HealthDay News) – In the two decades since the opioid epidemic took off, the addiction crisis has claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans. Now, new research points to another grim outgrowth of the crisis on American health: a skyrocketing risk in pregnant women for hepatitis infection (HCV). That’s because the main risk…  read on >  read on >

Your body needs vitamin D, the “sunshine” vitamin, but too much time in the sun can increase your risk for skin cancer. An expert offers tips for boosting vitamin D intake while staying safe from the sun and this summer’s record-high temperatures. “Vitamin D is important for bone health, calcium absorption, reduction of inflammation, promoting…  read on >  read on >

Close to one-fifth of kids with COVID-19 may still have lingering symptoms months after their initial infection, new research finds. The review, of 31 international studies, found that over 16% of children and teenagers with COVID had problems such as sore throat, persistent fevers, fatigue and muscle weakness at least three months later. Experts said…  read on >  read on >

A new study offers strong evidence that eating fish or supplements containing omega-3 fatty acids supports lung health. The finding underscores the importance of including fish and other sources of omega-3s in the diet, researchers say. Many Americans aren’t meeting recommended guidelines, they noted. “We know a lot about the role of diet in cancer…  read on >  read on >

Aspirin, naproxen and other common pain medications known as NSAIDs worsen gastrointestinal infections caused by a bacterium known as Clostridioides difficile (C. diff), new research shows. NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are widely used to ease pain and inflammation. In a new study using mice, researchers set out to find why they exacerbate C. diff, the…  read on >  read on >